1. All of the coolest organizers in the Twin Cities are going to be there. The Committee to Stop FBI Repression is comprised of many groups, as well as ordinary citizens, who see these attacks of the anti-war movement as attacks on us all. Working for peace and justice is not a crime in this country. Yet, with the recent treatment of Occupy protesters, the passing of the NDAA, and the new laws in place in Chicago in preparation for the NATO/G8 protests this Spring, it is clear that state repression is a
hot topic.Come and support the national group that wants to put a stop to it.
2. We have an awesome line up and it is going to be an amazing show. This concert is ganna be a blast! Featuring Guante and DJ Shannon Blowtorch, there will also be performances by James Houck, Housepet, The Running Riot, Dead Skull and poetry by yours truly! I am so excited to be a part of this project and to have one of my poems on this album. I think that art and creativity are what makes our movements strong. And the chance to put all these things together like this is the reason I am an activist. It's the reason I write poetry. Music with a message, and a fun night out that makes a real difference. What else where you going to do this weekend?
3. The benefit album is so good, you want an actual copy not just the download. I mean, what's not to love? There is definitely something for everyone on this album. It features new music from local artists, who have all donated their talents to this cause. In fact, the whole production- from making flyers to finding a venue- has been an amazing community effort. Come celebrate the release with us, and help us raise some money for future organizing efforts. Besides concerts, the CSFR brings you more protests, community dinners, out reach and good old grassroots organizing. Not every CD in your collection can do all that.
4. Not only will the CD be there for sale, so will all our other merch! This is your chance to get CSFR t-shirts, hoodies, buttons and stickers as well! Remember this is a fundraiser, people. You definitely want to check out the table in the back of the room. We also tend to carry a lot of informational flyers, and you can get up to date on the case and all our upcoming events. Sign the petition and get on our email list (and you don't have to wait for the concert to like us on facebook!)
5. FBI repression: you could be doing more. The fact is, this is serious business. We wouldn't be here today without the support of our friends and community, and we need all the help we can get. Political dissent is not a crime, in fact, it is essential to a working democracy. Help us defend our rights to speak, assemble and associate freely. These 23 people standing up to the Grand Jury, are being targeted for their work as organizers, something that in times like these is desperately needed.
Together we can do something about it.
To do it together, we need you.
Now, don't worry. If you absolutely cannot make it to the show this Saturday, you can still download the album at
http://www.stopfbi.bandcamp.com/And, of course, you can always donate directly to us on our website
http://www.stopfbi.net/(Money helps, but we like volunteers more).
Hope to see you at the show!