
Make Art, Not War

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Great news! I just found out that Dark Highlands (.com) is going to be publishing one of my poems in their next anthology, due out this October! It's a semi-annual publication of dark and scary writings and they liked my poem "To tell it like it is, this is how it goes:" and they are going to use it.
Yippie! They are also going to pay me for this honor, which is a small victory in itself. For one thing, it's a first (unless you count contest winnings but really, who's counting?)
More than that, as a poet I can appreciate the rarity of being paid for my work. I mean, poetry is nice, but there's no money in it. And I believe in art for art's sake (in deed, writing poetry is something I must do and figuring out what to do with it comes later) but it's nice to have that validation. However small a token.
Plus, I'm ganna be in a book! This makes me very happy, because what we are taught about books is not to judge them by their covers. It's the contents that we must find value in, so that's what I will be. It's guts. I like this thought very much.
So, I'm thrilled. The book comes out in October, just in time for Halloween. I'm looking forwards to reading it (I get a free copy). Pretty sweet.

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