
Make Art, Not War

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New year's resolutions 2010

NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS 2010 Ah, the year draws to a close. I think about 2009 and mentally total up the experiences. My resolution last year was to quit smoking and as of right now it has been 11 months and 19 days since my last cigarette. I feel like such progress has been made. I also resolved to do more things that are free and beautiful, and I did just that. This was the year of my community garden, the year I finally made it to New York City and so many other wonderful things. I really have cultivated my own happiness in this last chapter and I'm ready to begin again. The solstice approaches. The tilt of the Earth is at it's very edge and we are at the top of the roller coaster. The first few cars are already over the edge... Here we go. So to start off on the right foot, a reiteraction of resolutions past -Stop spending $ at gas stations. They sell nothing but plastic and convience, and our worst addictions! America would be Super without them. -Quit smoking cigarettes. Don't pay them to control you and kill you. Breathe easy and with two free hands. -Dont forget that your $ is your vote New for 2010 -waste not paper cups for coffee, nor plastic bottles for water -eat more veggies (especially greens) and less animal products - gain control of my addictions, do not allow addiction to control me -expand my Spanish vocabulary -cook more meals at home -become physically stronger (not just exersize, but useable muscle) -increase my monthly income but not the amount of time I spend working -play more chess against more opponents -write a book of poetry -fall in love -clean my house I must say, I'm really looking forward to this next year. In the words of my dear friend Carrie "2010 is the year of my emancipation".

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